Watch Mega Shark Vs Crocosaurus Full Movie

Freddy Vs Jason & Remake 2. They were talking about the idea of Freddy Vs Jason LONG before JGTH. In fact one of the Friday sequels (5 or 6 I think) was originaly planned to be a Freddy Vs Jason, yet Paramount could not get the rights from New Line. The idea came up again a few years later this time with New Line trying to get the rights to Jason…which lead to the non Paramount sequels and eventually Freddy Vs Jason many years later. Anway get the main point out of the way first. Who won? Freddy. Seeing as Freddy’s plan was to create fear and get people to remember him again (you know the plot of the film), and that’s what he got. Freddy won. Jason did not have a goal to win, he was just used by Freddy as a tool. Watch Sinister Online Free HD.

If you are talking about who phsycally won, then it’s the “teens”. As from their POV both of them are “dead”.

Freddy Vs. Jason was my first introduction to horror movies. I was 10 at the time and rather than scaring me like it probably should have, I thought it was just. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Archives and past articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News, and A new mega shark threatens to destroy humanity. The government creates an exact robotic copy of the shark, either equal to or greater than the original.

Watch Mega Shark Vs Crocosaurus Full MovieWatch Mega Shark Vs Crocosaurus Full Movie

Hell it was Lori that had to “kill” Frdddy as Jason could not manage it. Either way, Jason did not “win” anything. Anyway my view of this film. It’s a love/hate view from me. I’m a fan of both series.

I love the character of Freddy (except from 3, 4, 5 and 6). He has such an interesting backstory. The fact he was LEGALY a free man, yet hunted down and MURDERED by the parents.

They created the monster. I do feel the quality of the films were pretty bad overall with only the first film and New Nightmare being worthy…2 is ok at a push. The rest are pretty damn terrible. Jason for me is less interesting as a character. Yet I feel the Friday films had stronger sequels as a series. Well at least the first 4 were good. Watch A Broken Life Mediafire. Jason in space WTF?

So this film brings together 2 of the greatest horror icons ever created. While I feel the mythology of both characters are treated with respect. The mythos is there. The film is still a little “flat”. It’s just not as “epic” as these 2 titans clashing should have been. Ronny Yu did a great job as dicrector some amazing sequences with shaddow Freddy being a personal fave.

Yet when you boil it down, it’s just a standard slasher flick with annoying teens…again. I found the film is not really a “horror film”, just and excuse for Freddy and Jason to beat the crap out of each other. The film starts with a great premise. Watch Way... Way Out Online Facebook. That being Freddy is a joke, forgotten about.

So he has to use Jason to trick people into thinking Freddy is back, creating the fear he needs to “live”. Yet 1. 5 mins into the film it’s just becomes Freddy hits Jason, Jason hits Freddy. Annoying teens runs around screaming. Rinse and repeat.

Great start, dull middle, horrible end. Yet a half decent movie overall. Just my view on the Nightmare remake. First I never compare a remake to the original, it’s pointless.

Just judge the film on the film it is and not what some other film is/was. Anyway, I found the remake pretty good. Jackie was a great Freddy.

The make up actually looked like a REAL burn victim and the voice souned like someone that was involved in a horrible fire “accident”. Was not expcecting too much plot wise as you know the basics already. Could have done with some “better” acors definetly, ye tthey were good enough in this.

While some of the scares with similar or re- hashed from the original, they still worked. The one at the end made me jump. Yeah it’s an ok film and I hope they do more sequels as I really enjoyed Jackie’s perfomace and would love to see more of him as Freddy.